Archive for the ‘Autobiographical sketches’ Category


Sunday, May 15th, 2011

Thanks to all the Artists and Friends who inspired me along the Way. 

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Hans Wegner/ The Bear Chair

Monday, October 20th, 2008

Hans Weg­n­er, the leg­endary Dan­ish fur­ni­ture-mak­er, always worked with nat­ur­al mate­ri­als like wood and wool, and his fur­ni­ture reflects both the nat­ur­al world and abstract art; you can see traces of Bran­cusi and Picas­so in it, as well as ani­mals and trees. He designed more than five hun­dred chairs dur­ing his long and illus­tri­ous career. One of them belongs to me.

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A California Dream

Tuesday, May 15th, 1990

“The places we have known do not belong only to the world of space on which we map them for our own con­ve­nience. None of them was ever more than a thin slice, held between the con­tigu­ous impres­sions that com­posed our life at the time; the mem­o­ry of a par­tic­u­lar image is but regret for a par­tic­u­lar moment; and hous­es, roads, avenues are as fugi­tive, alas, as the years.”

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Radio Days

Sunday, October 13th, 1985

Some­thing mag­i­cal hap­pened when the micro­phone was turned on: all my doubts dis­ap­peared. I devel­oped the habit of read­ing every­thing out loud, so my writ­ing became more nat­ur­al and tuned into my voice. I had a huge audi­ence. For the first time in my life, peo­ple were lis­ten­ing to what I had to say, and I loved it.

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Becoming an Art Critic

Thursday, April 13th, 1978

In 1979, an 11th cen­tu­ry Per­sian poem with 50,000 rhyming cou­plets, illu­mi­nat­ed by tiny paint­ings in exquis­ite col­ors made from crushed jew­els and insect­s’ wings, inspired my first sto­ry about art. For the next 20 years, I wrote, pub­lished, and broad­cast hun­dreds of Sto­ries about Art in Boston and beyond. This is how it all began. 

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